Coded Logic
JoinedPosts by Coded Logic
The Journey for Answers
by Coded Logic in"-there's a woman here who wants to-".
"god done it.".
"god done it.".
Coded Logic
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What is the alternative to JW?
by Formerbrother ini mean this with all due respect, i would like to hear from genuine people who think jw have it wrong and then what is the truth?.
im not talking about silly little quibbles here and there.. is jehovah real?
the the bible is word?
Coded Logic
What is the Alternative to JW?
The alternative is to roll up your sleeves and get to work. Stop being lazy. Stop wasting your life by putting everything off to the "new system". Start learning. Start educating yourself. Start pursuing the things that are of interest to you and the things that give you personal fulfillment.
There's no short cut. There's no one person or one organization that holds the sum total of all truth claims. If you want to know what is true about the world around you then you're going to have to investigate that world. You're going to have to read a lot of books, read a lot of academic papers, and engage in honest debates. You're going to have to travel and meet new people.
Knowledge is like a mountain. The more you know the higher you ascend. And the higher you ascend the further you can see. Expand your mind. Refine your critical thinking skills. Take a class on epistemology.
What's the alternative to JW? How about truth for one. How about personal identity. How about a life worth living.
The Journey for Answers
by Coded Logic in"-there's a woman here who wants to-".
"god done it.".
"god done it.".
Coded Logic
The ancient iron hinges, with a loud and unsettling groan which echoed throughout the whole courtyard and swept over the tops of the ramparts, swung a massive pair of timber doors wide ajar. At its entrance stood the fair Yoshiko who, for a moment, paused dauntedly. The weight of her journey to the edge of the world was quickly catching up with her. It had left her clothes tattered, her feet covered in dozens of open sores, and her mind presently susceptible to a range of doubts which she had never before entertained. What if I fail? What if I don't get the answers to the burning questions I've wondered my entire life? What would my family think? What would my village say?
At her feet the wind stirred up the leaves and sent them swirling over the cobblestones while they rustled in tune with the cherry trees that encircled this enclosure. It was a peaceful moment and Yoshiko took the time to steel her mind. She inhaled a deep breath, adjusted her haversack across her shoulder, and then marched across the courtyard to the Stairway of the Clouds. Making her way up would be no easy task. The path was steep, the steps were unleveled, it was exposed on both sides and wound erratically left and right as it ascended the unprotected mountainside.
Halfway up she stopped to eat the last remaining food from her haversack and twice she had to stray off the stairway in search of water. All the while being cautious of every footstep - for even a momentary imbalance would likely send her sailing off the side of the mountain. But, after much grunting and groaning and cursing the thinning air as a full day's climb wore on, she finally reached the Sacred Double-Wide at the top.
Yoshiko's eyes began watering upon the sight of it. She had read all the stories but had never expected it to be this beautiful. It was truly a sight to behold with its cheap plastic siding that had a horizontal brown stripe going across the whole side of the trailer, the broken window towards the back that had been replaced with cardboard, and the red and white beer cans that littered the front yard - it was almost too much for her to take in.
Not hesitating a moment even to catch her breath, Yoshiko excitedly squeezed past the truck parked out front - a Ford pickup with a gun rack and a Metallica sticker - and made her way onto the patio. She rapped loudly on the aluminum door. A half second later a dog started barking from inside followed by a man's voice,
"God damnit Deliha! Will you shut your stupid dog up?!"
Yoshiko then heard a woman's voice reply, "Don't you yell at me! You know I didn't want that dumb ass dog of yours living here!"
The man's voice again, "Oh never mind I'll do it myself. Come-mere you stupid bitch . . ."
Yoshiko heard a soft "thud" followed by the sound of the dog whimpering.
". . . that'll teach you not to bark at the Goddamn door!"
There was silence for a moment and then the aluminum door opened outward. Standing in the doorway was a fat ugly man wearing a red flannel shirt and ripped blue jeans, "What do you want?"
"Hi, my name is Yoshiko, I am seeking the wise one can answer any question."
"Oh all right. Hey Deliha-"
"-there's a woman here who wants to-"
"Can't I watch Judge Judy in peace without you bothering me every two seconds!"
"Oh . . . hold on a sec."
A moment later a woman came to the door dressed in a robe. Pulling the cigarette out of her mouth she motioned and said, "Come in - come in. Make yourself at home."
"Thank you. My name is Yoshiko, I appreciate your hospitality."
The woman said, "Eh, don't worry about it. I'll go grab Hill-Billy, he'll be glad to answer any questions you have."
A minute later a four year old boy severely in need of a bath wandered into the living room.
Yoshiko dropped to her knees and clasped her hands, "Oh Sacred One, I am so happy to see you! Is it true that you can answer any question?"
Hill-Billy grabbed a pair of his dinosaurs off the kitchen table, "Yeah."
"I am so happy! I have so many questions for you Sacred One, I don't even know where to begin!"
"Well, I guess I'll just start at the beginning then, how did the universe come to be?"
Hill-Billy bashed his two dinosaurs together, "God done it."
"Oh I see. It's so obvious now that I take a moment to think about it." Said Yoshiko, "Well what is the origin of life on our planet?"
"God done it."
"Oh, very interesting. I had no idea. Well then how did humanity form?"
"God done it."
"This is so insightful. As you know so much about the natural world perhaps you can answer some philosophical questions I have too. Like, how can our minds understand reality?"
"God done it."
"And how can brains create consciousness."
"God done it."
"Wow, I'm just completely blown away by how knowledgeable you are. I had heard you could answer any question but even I had my doubts. I am so glad the stories are true! And maybe you can even help us make our world a better place. Is there anyway we can get rid of war and violence and disease and death?"
"God's gonna done it."
"What? Really? Oh Sacred One, you have answered all my questions! I can now return to my village and share these amazing answers you have given me. Thank you so much."
And so it was that Yoshiko traveled to the edge of the world and had her deepest questions answered.
It is a meaningless panacea when we invent a god that can do anything and be anything. Because what serves as an answer to every question is an explanation of nothing.
-Matt Dillahunty -
by purplesofa ini was talking to a friend of mine about perfection last night.. he made a comment that there was no way to have perfection, unless you made one thing and set that as perfect.
everything after that would be a copy and otherwise would always in some way fall short of perfect, the original creation.
we were talking about art.. and then he made a comment that god did not create us perfectly.
Coded Logic
I agree with Purplesofa, perfection is the label we apply to things that fulfill an intended outcome.
It relates to desire. Things that fulfill a desire are "perfect". Things that don't fulfill a desire are not. And what fulfills one person's desire may not fulfill another person's desire. Thus "perfection" can only assessed in regards to a subjective standard.
Perfection isn't a property or value that things can possess. It's a correlation between what we want(ed) and what actually is.
JW Demonstration FAIL #1 (CLAM)
by freemindfade in
Coded Logic
huh? -
Say it with memes!
by EdenOne ingot something to say about the organization, the "truth", the gb, the witnesses, the apostates, life and quantum mechanics?
say it with memes!
let's create a repository of memes on this thread, new old and whatnot!
Pandora's Box is now open!
by pandorasbox1914 inhi everyone, i have been lurking for some time now and decided to open the box (hence pandora).
about a year ago i became aware of child abuse within the org, out of curiosity (just like pandora) i opened the box and the evils have been pouring out ever since regarding the org.
anyway, this came to a head last summer with the arc.
Exactly where is the expansion?
by NeverKnew inthere is a thread that i'm really enjoying discussing the consolidation of congregations into existing kingdom halls.
i'm realizing that the only threads that have spoken of building were related to branch offices.
we know the wts's consolidations and reopening a are a shell game of sorts but i'm wondering... is anyone seeing an increase in kingdom halls in their part of the world?
Coded Logic
In what part of the country are you?
Physical vs. Mental
by Coded Logic ini used to think there was a true dichotomy between things in the physical world and things that were abstract or imagined.
but now i can't seem to understand why i ever thought that way.. i consider the mental to be a subset of the physical world (just as trout are a subset of fish).
all ideas, abstractions, imaginings, etc.
Coded Logic
I've pondered the same questions AA. I've also never understood how something "non-physical" interacted with the physical world. If our brains are just receivers picking up our consciousness then how is that information being transmitted and how could our physical brains capture it? And how is my body able to tell that spirit that I really like apple pie? Or that my leg hurts?
If we don't understand how consciousness emerges from a brain - how does it make more sense to say it emerges from a soul? What exactly do souls have that can create consciousness? It doesn't solve the problem. It just makes it even more mysterious.
I'm not the first person to raise this point but I think it's a valid one: What does it mean to say something exists outside of space and time. As far as I know, existence is necessary spatial and temporal. How do we tell the difference between something that has zero dimension and "exists" for zero seconds - from things which don't exists at all? Aren't they identical?
A funny little diplomatic cable regarding the Malawi atrocities against JW's in 1975
by Saintbertholdt inno doubt that atrocities were perpetrated against jehovah's witnesses in 1972-73.. but what about the reports in 1975?.
here is an excerpt from a diplomatic cable sent to the us secretary of state in 1977.. the cable was released/declassified in 2009.. .... re jehovah's witnesses, why do we go back to the.
events of 197273?
Coded Logic
Hmm, hard to make heads or "tales" of this.
Here is a newspaper clippings of JWs claiming persecution at the end of 1975 (couldn't find the Dec 8th WT cited in the story). And the only source cited for the persecution of the JWs is a "Central African correspondent for Awake".
It's hard to tell if the specific abuse cases being cited in these papers are from 1975 or from 1967. Not sure what to believe here.